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The stress-strain diagram for a steel rod is shown and can be described by the equation ε=0.20(1e-06)σ+0.20(1e-12)σ3 where s in kPa. Determine the yield strength assuming a 0.5% offset.
(a) For 0.5% =0.005mm/mm
5000=0.20σ+0.20(1e-6)σ3 solving for σ=2810.078kPa.
Compute the nominal flexural strength Mn of the reinforced concrete rectangular section of Figure...
Find the axial forces of the members 2-3, 9-3 of the truss for the given loads. Solution...
Given: A pin-jointed truss is given in Figure 1. Determine the vertical displacement of join...
Calculate the reactions and member forces. Solution We calculate the reactions. ...
Calculate the reactions and member forces. Solution We calculate the reactions. Section 1 0...
The friction coefficient is c1=0.2 between two bodies A,B. The friction coefficient is c2=0.18 betwe...
A pressure-vessel head is fabricated by gluing the circular plate to the end of the vessel. If the v...
Calculate the max stress because of torsional moment on the outer layer of a steel hollow rod when t...
Determine the minimum diameter of the rod. The axial tensile force is P=10KN. The allowable stresse...