Award-winning RISABase is an advanced base plate and anchor bolt design program that offers new techniques for analyzing complex, two-way behavior of biaxial bending.
Download DocumentationAward-winning RISABase is an advanced base plate and anchor bolt design program that offers new techniques for analyzing complex, two-way behavior of biaxial bending. This revolutionary software is the only program that brings the full power of the Finite Element Method to bear on the analysis of base plates. With its incredibly easy interface and advanced computational methods, RISABase is a base plate design tool of unparalleled power.
You no longer have to rely on assumptions of rigidity and linear strain that were once necessary for hand methods. RISABase automatically solves the problem and gives you the results. Finally your base plate analysis can be as accurate as your frame analysis.
RISABase Features
When accuracy counts, RISABase delivers. RISABase uses an automated finite element solution to provide exact bearing pressures, plate stresses, and anchor bolt pull out capacities, eliminating the guess work of hand methods. Define bi-axial loads and eccentric column locations. Choose from several connection types and specify custom bolt locations.
Base Plate Design
Anchor Bolt Pull Out Capacity
Category | Structural systems , Plates , General Finite Element Programs , Structure types , Steel structures |
Licence Type | Commercial |
Developer | RISA Technologies |
Developer Website | |
Developer Email | [email protected] |