- The nonlinear effect of infill walls stiffness to prevent soft story collapse of RC structures
- E. Aydin ; D. Guney
- Book Title / Journal: The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal, 6, (Suppl 1-M5) 74-80
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series:
- Earthquake engineering
- Concrete performance using low-degradation aggregates
- P. Qiao ; F. Chen ; D.I. McLean
- Washington State Transportation Center (TRAC). Report No. WA-RD 790.1
- Book Title / Journal:
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series:
- Structure types ; Concrete structures
- Steel bridge design handbook-Stringer bridges-Making the right choices
- K. Wright
- Book Title / Journal: Publication No. FHWA-IF-12-052 - Vol. 6, HDR Engineering, Inc., Pittsburgh, USA
- Year: 2012 , Volume: Vol. 6 , Series:
- Bridge management ; Bridges
- Description
- Once a bridge type is selected, the designer then advances
the detailed design of the bridge. Since the vast majority of steel
bridges designed today are steel gi
rders made composite with concrete bridge decks, this
many detail issues that
are encountered when designing a composite deck girder system. This
addresses the design of welded plate girders.
However, many of the principles presented are
also applicable to the design of rolled beam bridges.
- Distinct element modeling of masonry-infilled steel frames with openings
- A.A. Tasnimi ; A. Mohebkhah
- Book Title / Journal: The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal, 6, (Suppl 1-M2) 42-49
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series:
- Earthquake engineering
- Earthquake ground motion selection
- S.L. Kramer ; P. Arduino ; S.S. Sideras
- Washington State Transportation Center (TRAC), Report No. WA-RD 791.1
- Book Title / Journal:
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series:
- Earthquake engineering
- Steel bridge design handbook-Selecting the right bridge type
- K. Wright
- Book Title / Journal: Publication No. FHWA-IF-12-052 - Vol. 5, HDR Engineering, Inc., Pittsburgh, USA
- Year: 2012 , Volume: Vol. 5 , Series:
- Bridge management ; Bridges
- Description
- One of the initial choices to be made by the
designer is to select the most appropriate bridge type for the site. While this
choice is not always straightfo
rward, selecting the right structure type is probably the important aspect of designing a cost
effective bridge.
This particular
bridge designers with the tools to select the right bridge type for the given site.
Bridge types discussed in
cluded rolled steel beam, steel plate girder, trusses, arches, cable
stayed, and suspension bridges.
- Mechanical model for steel frames with discretely connected precast concrete infill panels with window openings
- H.H. Snijder ; C.S. Kleinman ; P.A. Teeuwen
- Book Title / Journal: The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal, 6, (Suppl 1-M12) 182-193
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series:
- Earthquake engineering
- Steel bridge design handbook-Structural Behavior of Steel
- D. White
- Book Title / Journal: Publication No. FHWA-IF-12-052 - Vol. 4, HDR Engineering, Inc., Pittsburgh, USA
- Year: 2012 , Volume: Vol. 4 , Series:
- Bridge management ; Bridges
- Description
- The
of steel
is an intricate and fascinating topic. This
is intended to
serve as a guide to the
Load an
d Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Specifications and their representation of the behavior of steel
systems and members
The module focuses on the structural form and function of bridge systems and
members, with emphasis on strength limit states.
re relevan
t, recent advances in the AISC
Specification for
Structural Steel Buildings
as well as findings from research developments are discussed in addition to the AASHTO
LRFD Specfications
. There
are numerous areas where a broad understanding of the fu
ndamental behavior of
structures is key to the proper interpretation, application, and where necessary, extension of the AASHTO
. This
aims to aid the Engineer in reviewing and understanding the essential principles of steel
and member strength behavior and design.
- Influence of infill panels and their distribution on seismic behavior of existing reinforced concrete buildings
- G Verderame ; P. Ricci ; G. Manfredi
- Book Title / Journal: The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal, 6, (Suppl 1-M15) 236-253
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series:
- Earthquake engineering
- Steel bridge design handbook-Structural steel bridge shop drawings
- W. Gatti
- Book Title / Journal: Publication No. FHWA-IF-12-052 - Vol. 3, HDR Engineering, Inc., Pittsburgh, USA
- Year: 2012 , Volume: Vol. 3 , Series:
- Bridge management ; Bridges
- Description
- The preparation of shop drawings is a very specialized process with its own language and methods. The drawings and data for
fabrication are
developed from information presented on the contract drawings. These drawings contain the basic bridge
geometry, pier and sub
structure locations and design, as well as the sizes of all material, weld and bolt sizes and the basic
connection information.
Fabrication, thus the shop drawings, must adhere to all the applicable specifications and the information
on the contract plans. With this in mind, the detailers, shop drawing producers, must have experience, knowledge and ability
translate contract i
nformation into shop drawings. Steel bridge fabrication is a field unlike any others such as building
construction, therefore most detailers who prepare steel bridge shop drawings specialize in bridges, and very few of them det
buildings or other steel
This document contains the history, present practices, and illustrations of the fundamentals of
shop detail drawings for steel bridges, and is not intended to cover every type of bridge structure. The purpose is to famil
engineers, det
ailers and other individuals involved with steel bridge fabrication on the preparation and use of shop detail
- Performance based analysis of a historic high rise building
- S.T. Bono ; R. Hamburger ; A. Dutta
- Book Title / Journal: The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal, 6, (Suppl 1-M17) 278-290
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series:
- Earthquake engineering
- Steel bridge design handbook-Steel bridge fabrication
- S. Krause
- Book Title / Journal: Publication No. FHWA-IF-12-052 - Vol. 2, HDR Engineering, Inc., Pittsburgh, USA
- Year: 2012 , Volume: Vol. 2 , Series:
- Bridge management ; Bridges
- Description
- The purpose of this
is to explain the basic concepts of fabricating steel bridge structures. It is
intended to serve as a resource for the engineer wh
ile preparing the design of the structure and as a
reference throughout the life cycle of the bridge.
The methods employed in the fabrication of a bridge
structure are as variable as the structure itself. Each fabricator has its own way of solving the pr
associated with each structure. This
is to serve as a reference document to facilitate
fabricator/engineer communication.
- FRP strengthened brick-infilled RC frames: an approach for their proper consideration in design
- I.N. Psycharis ; E. Smyrou ; C.A. Maniatakis ; C.C. Spyrakos
- Book Title / Journal: The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal, 6, (Suppl 1-M19) 306-324
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series:
- Repair and Retrofit of Structures
- Steel bridge design handbook-Bridge steels and their mechanical properties
- W. Wright
- Book Title / Journal: Publication No. FHWA-IF-12-052 - Vol. 1, HDR Engineering, Inc., Pittsburgh, USA
- Year: 2012 , Volume: Vol. 1 , Series:
- Bridge management ; Bridges
- Description
- This
presents an overvi
ew of structural steel products that are used for steel bridge construction. It is intended to serve as
a reference and educational tool for structural engineers involved with bridge design and evaluation.
The primary focus is on
steel plate and rolled s
hape products that
are available under the ASTM A
709 Specification. This includes both a general
introduction to steel making practices and a detailed discussion of mechanical properties. It also includes a brief introduc
tion to
other steel products such
as bolts, castings, cables, and stainless steels that are often used for steel bridge connections and
components. References are provided to the relevant AASHTO and ASTM standards for additional information.
The mechanical properties of bridge steels ar
e presented based on the A 709 specification. The stress
strain behavior of the
various steel grades is presented to provide an understanding of strength and ductility. Fracture toughness is discussed to
how the Charpy vee
notch test relates to fr
acture resistance in structures. Finally, the methodology for determining atmospheric
corrosion resistance
is presented along with the requirements for classification as "weathering steels" for use in un
- Modeling of FRP-strengthened infill masonry structures
- D. Lunn ; S.H. Rizkalla ; T. Udea
- Proceedings of the 6th International Composites Conference (ACUN6), Melbourne, Australia, pages 153-159.
- Book Title / Journal:
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series:
- Structure types ; Masonry Structures