PTSection was developed by PT Suppliers to provide the engineer with state-of-the-art analysis of prestressed sections (post-tensioned or pre-tensioned). The section could be rectangular, T or slab strips. The application is based on the transformed properties of the section and the stresses are calculated using compatibility of strains and the Bernoulli assumption of plane sections. PTSection calculates the stresses at the top and bottom of the section for service load conditions, including initial load at the onset of prestress load transfer. It is assumed that the section remain uncracked under these load conditions. ACI 318-2014 allowable stress conditions are checked against the applied stresses.
.SI units (mm, kN, m, MPa)
.Calculation of C.G for the gross and transformed section
.Calculation of Self-weight, which could be used to get appropriate Moments, Axial loads applied to the section
.Application of Dead and Live moments and axial load (tension +) for each service load type
.Stress check per ACI 318-2014 for "Initial", "Total Service Load", and "Sustained Load"
.Prestresses steel (active) can be located at any distance along the height of the section.
.Forces in prestressed (active) reinforcement are based on the estimated stress after all losses occur for Total and Sustained service loads.
.Prestressed forces for the "Initial" load are calculated assuming the stress at transfer to be 0.80 of the ultimate stress in the active steel.
.Estimation of required post-tensioned reinforcement based on applied service loads.
.Calculation of Moment capacity, cracking moment and active steel moment
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