COMPDYN 2023 is the ninth edition of the International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering and one of the Thematic Conferences of the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS) and a Special Interest Conference of the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM). COMPDYN 2023 will be held in conjunction with the 5th International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering (UNCECOMP 2023), also an ECCOMAS Thematic Conference.
The increasing necessity to solve complex problems in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering requires the development of new ideas and innovative methods for providing accurate numerical solutions in affordable computing times.
The purpose of this Conference series is to bring together the scientific communities of Computational Mechanics, Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering in an effort to facilitate the exchange of ideas in topics of mutual interest and to serve as a platform for establishing links between research groups with complementary activities. The communities of Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering will benefit from this interaction, acquainting them with advanced computational methods and software tools which can highly assist in tackling complex problems in dynamic/seismic analysis and design, while also giving the Computational Mechanics community the opportunity to become more familiar with very important application areas of great social impact.
Sessions related to specific topics of the Conference will be introduced by Keynote Lectures which will be complemented by invited Minisymposia, organized by recognized experts in research areas of current interest, as well as by contributed papers.
Conference Topics
The conference topics include (the list is indicative):
Algorithms for structural health monitoring
Bridge Dynamics
Constitutive modelling under earthquake loading
Dynamics of concrete and masonry structures
Dynamics of coupled problems
Dynamics of micro systems
Dynamics of steel structures
Geotechnical earthquake engineering
Impact dynamics
Inverse problems in structural dynamics
Multi-body dynamics
Nonlinear dynamics
Numerical simulation methods for dynamic problems
Optimum design and control in structural dynamics and earthquake engineering
Parallel and distributed computing – Cloud computing
Performance-based earthquake engineering
Reliability of dynamic systems
Repair and retrofit of structures
Seismic isolation
Seismic risk and reliability analysis
Soft computing applications
Soil dynamics
Soil-structure interaction
Solution strategies for dynamic problems
Sound and vibration
Steel structures
Stochastic dynamics
Structural acoustics and vibro-acoustics
Wave propagation