- Nonlinear Response-History Analysis of Triple Friction Pendulum Bearings (TFPB), Installed Between stories Pendulum Bearings (TFPB), Installed Between Stories
- F. Hamidreza ; G.A. Gholamreza
- Book Title / Journal: Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series:
- Earthquake engineering
- Keywords: Triple Friction Pendulum Bearing ; inter-story isolation system ; multi-story isolation system
- Description
- In recent years, the damage to the well-designed structures, caused by earthquake, has attracted the attention of engineers to use adaptive seismic isolation systems such as Triple Friction Pendulum Bearings (TFPBs). An adaptive seismic isolator can exhibit different stiffness and damping during its course of motion and consequently award appropriate performance in different hazard levels. This paper investigates application of TFPBs in six stories steel frame structure, while TFPBs is installed at different levels; such as base, first story, third story or combination of them, and each state is compared with fixed-base and base isolated structure. The results indicate that base and first story isolation systems are extremely effective in reduction of maximum drift ratio and story shear force however this effect is diminished by increasing level of isolators. Additionally providing a second isolation level to base isolated structure, leads to a significant reduction in base deformation which is an adequate technique in presence of near-fault ground motion.