- On a Theoretical and Computational Framework for Large Strain Anisotropic Plasticity
- F.J. Montáns ; K.J. Bathe
- Book Title / Journal: Proceedings 8th International Conference on Computational Plasticity
- Year: 2005 , Volume: , Series:
- Structural Analysis
- Keywords: Large strains ; Plasticity ; Anisotropic Behavior
- Description
- The modelling of large strain anisotropic plasticity based on hyperelasticity, the multiplicative decomposition into the elastic and plastic deformation gradients, and the use of the logarithmic strain measure and its work-conjugate stress measure are considered. The integration of the plastic deformation gradient is performed using an exponential mapping. First, the continuum mechanics formulation of the proposed theory is given, and then some results considering anisotropic elastic behavior, anisotropic yield
functions and mixed hardening are summarized.
- Advances in the Multiphysics Analysis of Structures
- K.J. Bathe
- Book Title / Journal:
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series:
- Structural Analysis
- Keywords: Finite elements ; wave propagations ; shells ; Large strains ; Maxwell’s equations ; electromechanics
- Description
- In this presentation we survey the advances that we have recently accomplished for the effective analysis of solids and structures, specifically for wave propagations and transient solutions, the analysis of shells, improved stress calculations, the use of interpolation covers, and the solution of the full Maxwell’s equations. The structures may be subjected to complex fluid flows and electromagnetic effects. We briefly give the theoretical developments for the formulations, a few illustrative solutions, and conclude by mentioning some further exciting research challenges.
- 3D-shell Elements for Structures in Large Strains
- T. Sussman ; K.J. Bathe
- Book Title / Journal: Computers and Structures
- Year: 2013 , Volume: 122 , Series:
- Structural Analysis
- Keywords: Shell elements ; Large strains
- Description
- We present in this paper MITC shell elements for large strain solutions of shell structures. While we focus on the 4-node element, the same formulation is also applicable to the 3-node element. Since the elements are formulated using three-dimensiona l continuum theory with the full three-dimensional constitutive behavior, they are referred to as 3D-shell elements. Specific contributions in this paper are that the elements are formulated usi ng two control vector s at each node to describe the large deformations, MITC tying and volume preserving conditions acting directly on the material fiber vectors to avoid shear locking, and a pressure interpolation to circumvent volumetric locking. Also, we present solutions to some large strain shell problems that represent valuable benchmark tests for any large strain shell analysis