- The quadratic MITC plate and MITC shell elements in plate bending
- P.S. Lee ; K.J. Bathe
- Book Title / Journal:
- Year: 2010 , Volume: , Series:
- Structural Analysis
- Keywords: Plate ; shell ; mixed formulation ; Finite elements
- Description
- The analysis of plates can be achieved using the quadratic MITC plate or MITC shell elements. The plate elements have a strong mathematical basis and have been shown to be optimal in their convergence behavior, theoretically and numerically. The shell elements have not (yet) been analyzed mathematically in depth for their rates of convergence, with the plate/shell thickness varying, but have been shown numerically to perform well. Since the shell elements are general and can be used for linear and nonlinear analyses of plates and shells, it is important to identify the differences in the performance of these elements when compared to the plate elements. We briefly review the quadratic quadrilateral and triangular
MITC plate and shell elements and study their performances in linear plate analyses.
- Modeling of Masonry Infill Panels for Dynamic Analysis
- W. Basiouny ; A. Ghobarah
- Book Title / Journal: 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
- Year: 2008 , Volume: , Series:
- Structure types ; Masonry Structures ; Earthquake engineering
- Keywords: Infilled frames ; Reinforced Concrete ; Finite elements
- Description
- The performance of reinforced concrete (RC) infilled frames during earthquakes shows that the behaviour is very much dependent on the performance and mode of failure of the infill masonry walls. The concrete frame may fail as a consequence of the infill wall failure before reaching the bare frame load resistance levels. Even though frameinfill interaction has sometimes led to undesirable structural performance, recent studies have shown that a properly designed infilled frame can be superior to a bare frame in terms of stiffness, strength, and energy dissipation. The objective of this paper is to present a new finite element model based on prescribed failure planes in the infill panels, where Drucker-Prager failure criterion is used to simulate the behaviour of masonry. Interface elements are
used to describe the behaviour of masonry panel along the prescribed failure planes. The elasto-plastic behaviour of mortar and cracked masonry along the failure planes are considered in the analysis. The proposed model was incorporated in a generic nonlinear structural analysis program for static and dynamic analysis of masonry infilled reinforced concrete frames. Simulations of experimental force-deformation behaviour of large scale infilled frame are performed to validate the proposed model.
- Measuring convergence of mixed finite element discretizations: an application to shell structures
- J.F. Hiller ; K.J. Bathe
- Book Title / Journal: Computers and Structures
- Year: 2003 , Volume: 81 , Series:
- Structural Analysis
- Keywords: Finite elements ; shell structures
- Description
- We consider the problem of assessing the convergence of mixed-formulated finite elements. When displacementbased formulations are considered, convergence measures of finite element solutions to the exact solution of the mathematical problem are well known. However when mixed formulations are considered, there is no well-established method to measure the convergence of the finite element solution. We first review a number of approaches that have been employed and discuss their limitations. After having stated the properties that an ideal error measure would possess, we introduce a new physics-based procedure. The new proposed error measure can be used for many different types of mixed formulations and physical problems. We illustrate its use in an assessment of the performance of the MITC family of shell elements.
- A new modeling approach for planar beams: finite-element solutions based on mixed variational derivations
- F. Auricchio ; G. Balduzzi ; C. Lovadina
- Book Title / Journal: Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures
- Year: 2010 , Volume: 5 , Series:
- Structural Analysis
- Keywords: planar beams ; Finite elements
- Description
- This paper illustrates a new modeling approach for planar linear elastic beams. Referring to existing
models, we first introduce the variational principles that could be adopted for the beam model derivation, discussing their relative advantages and disadvantages. Then, starting from the Hellinger–Reissner functional we derive some homogeneous and multilayered beam models, discussing some properties of their analytical solutions. Finally, we develop a planar beam finite element, following an innovative approach that could be seen as the imposition of equilibrium in the cross-section and compatibility along the axis. The homogeneous model is capable of reproducing the behavior of the Timoshenko beam, with the advantage that the shear correction factor appears naturally from the variational derivation; the multilayered beam is capable of capturing the local effects produced by boundary constraints and load distributions; the finite element is capable of predicting the cross-section stress distribution with high accuracy, and more generally the behavior of planar structural elements.
- Insight into an implicit time integration scheme for structural dynamics
- K.J. Bathe ; G. Noh
- Book Title / Journal: Computers and Structure
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series: 98-99
- Structural Analysis
- Keywords: structural dynamics ; Finite elements ; Implicit time integration ; Newmark method