- Proposing the optimized combination of different isolation bearings subjected to near-fault ground motions
- S.R. Hoseini Vaez ; H. Naderpour ; P. Fakharian ; S.M. Kalantari
- The 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, Paper No. 0016
- Book Title / Journal:
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series:
- Earthquake engineering
- The influence of openings on the seismic behaviour of infilled framed structures
- L. Decanini ; L. Liberatore ; F. Mollaioli
- The 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, Paper No. 0458
- Book Title / Journal:
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series:
- Earthquake engineering
- An innovative model for the in-plane nonlinear analysis of confined masonry and infilled frame structures
- G.S. Torrisi ; F.J. Crisafulli ; A. Pavese
- The 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, Paper No. 0574
- Book Title / Journal:
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series:
- Earthquake engineering
- Application of endurance time method in nonlinear seismic analysis of infilled steel frames
- M.J. Avanaki ; H.E. Estekanchi
- The 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, Paper No. 1077
- Book Title / Journal:
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series:
- Earthquake engineering
- Direct displacement-based assessment of bridges: a case study
- S. Sofia ; G. Perrone ; T.D. Cardone
- The 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, Paper No. 1113
- Book Title / Journal:
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series:
- Earthquake engineering
- Probabilistic seismic performance assessment of infilled rc frame buildings
- D. Celarec ; M. Dolsek
- The 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, Paper No. 2256
- Book Title / Journal:
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series:
- Earthquake engineering
- Sliding fragility of restrained and unrestrained block-type nonstructural components
- T. Mahdi ; A. Mahdi
- The 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, Paper No. 2425
- Book Title / Journal:
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series:
- Earthquake engineering
- Seismic analysis of masonry arches
- S. De Santis ; G. de Felice
- The 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, Paper No. 0687
- Book Title / Journal:
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series:
- Earthquake engineering
- Experimental and numerical analysis of the cyclic behaviour of RC beam-column connections with plain reinforcing bars
- J. Melo ; H. Varum ; A. Costa
- The 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, Paper No. 1176
- Book Title / Journal:
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series:
- Earthquake engineering
- Shake table testing and analytical modeling of fully-grouted reinforced concrete block masonry shear walls
- W.W. El-Dakhakhni ; M.J. Tait ; S. Mojiri
- Book Title / Journal: 15th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, Florianópolis, Brazil
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series:
- Earthquake engineering
- Seismic performance of new steel concrete composite beam-columns
- T. Sakurada ; N. Morohashi ; T. Fujimoto ; H. Komatsu
- The 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, Paper No. 1319
- Book Title / Journal:
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series:
- Earthquake engineering
- New seismic construction categories for reinforced concrete block structural walls: Experiments
- R. Drysdale ; W.W. El-Dakhakhni ; M. Shedid
- Book Title / Journal: 15th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, Florianópolis, Brazil
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series:
- Earthquake engineering
- Experimental study on beam-column joint of soft-first-story in RC building
- S. Halim ; T. Kawai ; G. Kotani ; S. Takahashi ; T. Ichinose ; T. Ogawa ; M. Teshigawara ; H. Fukushima ; T. Kabeyasawa ; H. Suwada
- The 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, Paper No. 2593
- Book Title / Journal:
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series:
- Earthquake engineering
- New seismic construction categories for reinforced concrete block structural walls: Analysis
- R. Drysdale ; W.W. El-Dakhakhni ; M. Shedid
- Book Title / Journal: 15th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, Florianópolis, Brazil
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series:
- Earthquake engineering
- A new analytical model for reinforced concrete beam-column joints subjected to cyclic loading
- T Saito ; M. Kikuchi
- The 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, Paper No. 3108
- Book Title / Journal:
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series:
- Earthquake engineering