- On a Theoretical and Computational Framework for Large Strain Anisotropic Plasticity
- F.J. Montáns ; K.J. Bathe
- Book Title / Journal: Proceedings 8th International Conference on Computational Plasticity
- Year: 2005 , Volume: , Series:
- Structural Analysis
- Keywords: Large strains ; Plasticity ; Anisotropic Behavior
- Description
- The modelling of large strain anisotropic plasticity based on hyperelasticity, the multiplicative decomposition into the elastic and plastic deformation gradients, and the use of the logarithmic strain measure and its work-conjugate stress measure are considered. The integration of the plastic deformation gradient is performed using an exponential mapping. First, the continuum mechanics formulation of the proposed theory is given, and then some results considering anisotropic elastic behavior, anisotropic yield
functions and mixed hardening are summarized.