- On Finite Element Methods for Nonlinear Dynamic Response
- K.J. Bathe
- Book Title / Journal: Eurodyn 2008: 7th European Conference on Structural Dynamics
- Year: 2008 , Volume: , Series:
- Structural Analysis
- Keywords: Finite element method ; structural dynamics ; Nonlinear dynamic analysis
- Description
- In this paper we briefly focus on the nonlinear analysis of solids and structures when these undergo large deformations, possibly over long time durations, and perhaps subjected to fluidstructure interactions. The analysis should be conducted with finite element methods,
including the time integration, that are reliable and effective. The requirement of reliability is particularly important in nonlinear finite element analysis because physical test data are frequently not available.
- FEM Modeling of Bolted Beam to Column Joints With Haunches
- A.S. Hossain
- Book Title / Journal: Politechnical University of Timisoara
- Year: 0000 , Volume: , Series: M.Sc. Thesis
- Structure types ; Steel structures
- Keywords: Finite element method ; Abaqus ; column joints
- Description
- The aim of this dissertation work is to investigate the behaviour of bolted beam to column joints with haunches under monotonic and cyclic load. To attain this purpose, a finite element solver named ABAQUS has been used. In the beginning of this paper is presented seismic performance of moment resisting frame. After that calibration of a numerical model of a T-stub is performed. The reference structures from which joints have been extracted for numerical analysis are briefly described in frame and joints design. Then a parametric study has been performed to assess the influence of different
parameters on joints behaviour. These parameters are verification of design procedure, influence of member size, influence of haunch geometry, influence of panel zone strength, influence of beam clear span to depth ratio, influence of lateral restraints and influence of cyclic loading. At the end of this paper is presented conclusion where the
important outcomes of this numerical analysis have been presented concisely.
- Advanced Computational Engineering
- O. Allix ; C. Carstensen ; J. Schroder ; P. Wriggers
- Book Title / Journal: Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series: Report No. 09/2012
- Structural Analysis
- Keywords: Finite element method
- Description
- The finite element method is the established simulation tool for the numerical solution of partial differential equations in many engineering problems with many mathematical developments such as mixed finite element methods (FEMs) and other nonstandard FEMs like least-squares, nonconforming, and discontinuous Galerkin (dG) FEMs. Various aspects on this plus related topics ranging from order-reduction methods to isogeometric analysis has been discussed amongst the pariticpants form mathematics and engineering for a large range of applications.
- The Finite Element Method
- K.J. Bathe
- Book Title / Journal: Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering
- Year: 2008 , Volume: , Series:
- Structural Analysis
- Keywords: Finite element method
- Description
- The objective in this article is to give an overview of finite element methods that currently are used extensively in academia and industry. The method is described in general terms, the basic formulation is presented, and some issues regarding effective finite element procedures are summarized. Various applications are given briefly to illustrate the current use of the method. Finally, the article concludes with key challenges for the additional development of the method.